Friday, September 28, 2012

How HARIT PRAYAS has led to impact MGNREGA on environment security?
With HARIT PRAYAS approach we have also focused on the activities under the MGNREGA must be largely linked to water, soil and land which are the key natural resources determining agricultural and livestock production rather than focusing on road construction and well deepening.  If we would see the status of work taken in last 18 months in compare to thework at the baseline survey the status is as:[1]
Type of work
% of work at the time of base line
% of work (till March 2012)

Road construction
Well deepening
Pont construction

There is increase in type of work which supports for the environment security and conserve the nature as well as to create a sustainable resource (asset) for the local community. 

We could relate this asset building with the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA, 2005)[2] which considers humans an integral component of the natural ecosystem unlike classical approaches, which differentiate human as non natural. The approach also addresses the sustainability of resources and livelihoods by considering human well being a parallel theme to the functioning of natural ecosystem. With HARIT PRAYAS  we are able to contribute for MEA approach where ecosystem based resources are created through MGNREGA and community is taking ownership in the form of CBOS for the same.

[1] Source: Panchayat records, baseline rep[ort and interaction with PRI members of HARIT PRAYAS Panchayat.

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