What is Caritas?
The word Caritas comes from Latin. It means, Charity - Love. The name connotes the Church’s efforts to bring Compassion and Love to Humanity, as Mother Theresa aptly put it, Charity is Love in Action. Caritas exists to bring Solidarity and Social Justice. Caritas across the world works under the following guiding principles:
- Uphold the human dignity everywhere and all times
- Combat the de-humanizing poverty through option for the poor Strengthen the capacities of the local partners
- Protect the Unity of the Family through formation of values &Build Solidarity
CARITAS Espanola
Caritas Spain operates through 68 diocesan offices, which manage the work of 65,000 volunteers. In Spain, Caritas works to support vulnerable and marginalized people, the poor and needy, immigrants and young people in difficulty, among others. It supports research into the causes of poverty and regularly produces publications on related issues.
About Caritas-India
Caritas India is the official national organisation of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India for social development. It was established in 1962 to assist the Church in India in efforts to eradicate poverty, reach relief and rehabilitation in times of disasters and organize communities for self advancement. During the last four decades of its humanitarian and development efforts, Caritas India has served the poor and marginalized, without any distinction of caste, creed and ethnicity. Caritas India works in collaboration with Diocesan Social Service Societies and NGOs in the country. Caritas India works within the framework of national plans, needs and priorities in collaboration with the Central and State Governments at various levels.
Caritas Italiana is the Pastoral Body created by the Italian Episcopal Conference in order to promote, in cooperation with other bodies as well, the charity commitment of the Italian ecclesiastical community, in the forms that are appropriate considering time and needs, for a complete development of man, social justice and peace, with particular attention to the poor and with a mainly pedagogical function.Caritas Italiana was founded in 1971 answering to the will of Paul VI, in the spirit of renewal launched by the II Vatican Council. The activities of Caritas Italiana are strictly connected to the 220 diocesan Caritases engaged in the territory, animating the civil and ecclesial community and promoting pastoral services like Counselling Centres, Centres for Poverty and Resources Monitoring, Parish Caritases, Reception Centres for needy people, etc.
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